An introduction to the preaching at Christ the King Presbyterian Church


How We Teach the Bible

At Christ the King Presbyterian Church, every week you’ll see that we love God’s Word.

A gentleman teaches a room of adults in a classroom setting at Christ the King Presbyterian Church in Conshocken, PA


Listen to a Sermon

Featured sermons are handpicked messages that give you an introduction to the preaching at Christ the King Presbyterian Church.

Easter with Isaiah:
Something Wonderful

See how the wonderful hope of Christ’s resurrection was proclaimed by the Old Testament prophet Isaiah.

Pastor: Rev. Eric Huber

Scripture: Isaiah 25:1-9

The Blessedness of God

Discover how the blessings we experience flow out of the eternal love and happiness of the triune God.

Pastor: Rev. Eric Huber

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:13-16

The Fruitful Way

As the Sermon on the Mount draws to a close, Jesus exhorts us to walk the narrow path that leads to everlasting life.

Pastor: Rev. Eric Huber

Scripture: Matthew 7:13-20