


What Happens on Sunday at CTK?

9:30 am - Sunday School: Bible teaching is available for all ages at CTK. While children go till 10:15, adults end this time a little early for fellowship.

10:15 am - Fellowship: The time window between Sunday School and Morning Worship provides a nice opportunity for fellowship. Coffee is available in the Sunday School room (101). 

10:30 am - Morning Worship: Our worship service is historic, robust, weighty and wonderful. It is centered around our triune God, the Scriptures, and the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At CTK, worship consists of Hymns of Praise, Confession of Sin, Scripture Reading, Affirmation of Faith, Prayer, Giving and Preaching of the Word. The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper are regular parts of our worship as well. 

Post Morning Worship: While this is not a formal part of Sunday mornings, it is common for individuals to stay for 10, 20, or 30 minutes of fellowship following Morning Worship. This is a warm and inviting time of casual fellowship. Please feel free to stay as long as you would like to meet a new face or embrace an old friend. 

6:00 pm - Evening Worship: Evening Worship is an opportunity for the church to close out the day of rest together in worship to our King. On the third Sunday of the month, the Lord's Supper is administered during the service as well.