Christ the King Presbyterian Church


Coronavirus Updates

To Glorify and to Enjoy: March 22, 2020

Posted by Eric Huber on

 Good morning friends, 

A beautiful crisp and clear spring morning. Birds aplenty in and around our feeder. Daffodils and forsythia mimicking the brightness of the sun. Cherry, magnolia, and pear trees in full splendor.  

Creation seems to know nothing of the corona virus. Or if she knows, she's untroubled this morning. 

But that's not exactly true is it? Creation groans Paul tells us in Romans 8. She groans as she awaits freedom from bondage to corruption. We and she are linked. Linked in groaning, linked in decay, linked in waiting. 

But linked also in the hope and evidence of firstfruits. In an Easter sermon some years back I said that if daffodils could speak, I think they would say to the world, I believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen. How about you?

Daffodils and we live in a world of corruption; waiting for a world of redemption and glory. In the meantime, we are linked in a common hope (firstfruits of the Spirit in a decaying world) and a common purpose - to glorify God and enjoy him forever even in this world, now. 

My daughter Dani reminded me of the old story this week. A story I told our kids a 1000 times and you, the church, probably a hundred times (leaving me with 900 more times to tell it!). B. B. Warfield writes:

What is "the indelible mark of the Shorter Catechism"? We have the following bit of personal experience from a general officer of the United States army. He was in a great western city at a time of intense excitement and violent rioting. The streets were over-run daily by a dangerous crowd. One day he observed approaching him a man of singularly combined calmness and firmness of mien, whose very demeanor inspired confidence. So impressed was he with his bearing amid the surrounding uproar that when he had passed he turned to look back at him, only to find that the stranger had done the same. On observing his turning the stranger at once came back to him, and touching his chest with his forefinger, demanded without preface: "What is the chief end of man?" On receiving the countersign, "Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever" - "Ah!" said he, "I knew you were a Shorter Catechism boy by your looks!" "Why, that was just what I was thinking of you," was the rejoinder. 

It is worth while to be a Shorter Catechism boy. They grow to be men. And better than that, they are exceedingly apt to grow to be men of God. So apt, that we cannot afford to have them miss the chance of it. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it."

(B. B. Warfield, Is the Shorter Catechism Worthwhile?)

May our Lord give us a godly, healthy confidence and a heart of compassion in our time of "intense excitement". 

We were not together this past week. It was St. Patrick's Day as you may recall. And if you've been at the church for a few years, you know my delight in leading us in 'breastplate prayer" attributed to him. I led our family in prayer morning and evening with it on Tuesday. One of you sent me a lovely choral version of part of the prayer which I have linked below. The prayer seems to fit seamlessly into such a time as this. Some of it is no doubt strange to our ears and our day. The vast majority is the cry of a warrior's faithful and needy heart. 

I arise today through a mighty strength,

the invocation of the Trinity, through belief in the Threeness,
through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of creation.

I arise today through the strength of Christ with his Baptism,
through the strength of His Crucifixion with His Burial,
through the strength of His Resurrection with His Ascension,
through the strength of His descent for the Judgment of Doom.

I arise today through the strength of the love of Cherubim
in obedience of Angels, in the service of the Archangels,
in hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
in prayers of Patriarchs, in predictions of Prophets,
in preachings of Apostles, in faiths of Confessors,
in innocence of Holy Virgins, in deeds of righteous men.

I arise today, through the strength of Heaven;
light of Sun, brilliance of Moon, splendor of Fire,
speed of Lightning, swiftness of Wind, depth of Sea,
stability of Earth, firmness of Rock.

I arise today, through God's strength to pilot me:
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's host to secure me:
against snares of devils,
against temptations of vices,
against inclinations of nature,
against everyone who shall wish me ill,
afar and anear, alone and in a crowd.

I summon today all these powers between me (and these evils):
against every cruel and merciless power that
may oppose my body and my soul,
against incantations of false prophets,
against black laws of heathenry, against false laws of heretics,
against craft of idolatry,
against spells of witches, smiths and wizards,
against every knowledge that endangers man's body and soul.
Christ to protect me today against poisoning,
against burning, against drowning, against wounding,
so that there may come abundance in reward.

Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ in breadth,
Christ in length,
Christ in height,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

I arise today through a mighty strength,
the invocation of the Trinity,
through belief in the Threeness,
through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of creation.
Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of Christ.
May Thy Salvation, O Lord, be ever with us.

The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the Lord lift-up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Yours in a love that will not let us go,

Pastor Eric

