Christ the King Presbyterian Church


Walking Together

Morning Online Worship Information: September 13, 9:00 AM

Posted by Nate Huber on

  Welcome to Worship In preparation for our Morning Worship Service, please click the button below to enter the webinar. Click Here to Enter Worship The service begins at 9:00 AM but feel free to join early at 8:45 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached...

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Sunday Morning Prep: September 13

Posted by Nate Huber on

Welcome to Worship The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  Click here to print the bulletin    Morning Worship: September 13, 2020 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for...

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Morning Online Worship Information: September 6, 9:00 AM

Posted by Nate Huber on

  Welcome to Worship In preparation for our Morning Worship Service, please click the button below to enter the webinar. Click Here to Enter Worship The service begins at 9:00 AM but feel free to join early at 8:45 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached...

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Sunday Morning Prep: September 6

Posted by Nate Huber on

Welcome to Worship The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  Click here to print the bulletin    Morning Worship: September 6, 2020 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has...

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Morning Online Worship Information: August 30, 9:00 AM

Posted by Nate Huber on

  Welcome to Worship In preparation for our Morning Worship Service, please click the button below to enter the webinar. Click Here to Enter Worship The service begins at 9:00 AM but feel free to join early at 8:45 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached...

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Sunday Morning Prep: August 30

Posted by Nate Huber on

Morning Worship: August 30, 2020 If you would like to print the bulletin in advance, please click below. Click here to print the bulletin  Bless the Lord, all his works,     in all places of his dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul! -Psalm 103:22  Then I saw...

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Morning Online Worship Information: August 23, 9:00 AM

Posted by Nate Huber on

  Welcome to Worship In preparation for our Morning Worship Service, please click the button below to enter the webinar. Click Here to Enter Worship The service begins at 9:00 AM but feel free to join early at 8:45 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached...

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Sunday Morning Prep: August 23

Posted by Nate Huber on

Morning Worship: August 23, 2020 If you would like to print the bulletin in advance, please click below. Click here to print the bulletin  A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord;     make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every...

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Morning Online Worship Information: August 16, 9:00 AM

Posted by Nate Huber on

  Welcome to Worship In preparation for our Morning Worship Service, please click the button below to enter the webinar. Click Here to Enter Worship The service begins at 9:00 AM but feel free to join early at 8:45 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached...

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Sunday Morning Prep: August 16

Posted by Nate Huber on

Morning Worship: August 16, 2020 If you would like to print the bulletin in advance, please click below. Click here to print the bulletin  And the Lord said to Aaron, “You shall have no inheritance in their land, neither shall you have any portion among them. I am your portion and...

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