Christ the King Presbyterian Church


Walking Together

Easter Schedule 2024

Posted by Nate Huber on

Easter Schedule 2024 Good Friday: Friday, March 29th  6:00 PM, Good Friday Service Easter: Sunday, March 31st No Sunday School 10:30 AM, Easter Morning Worship No Evening Service

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Sunday Morning Worship Prep March 10, 2024

Posted by Rebecca Kirkland on

Sunday Morning Prep: March 10, 2024 The service begins at 10:30 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE BULLETIN With the merciful you show yourself merciful - Psalm 18:25  But this I call to...

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Sunday Morning Worship Prep March 3, 2024

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Sunday Morning Prep: March 3, 2024 The service begins at 10:30 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE BULLETIN As a deer pants for flowing streams,     so pants my soul for you, O God.  My soul...

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Sunday Morning Worship Prep February 25, 2024

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Sunday Morning Prep: February 25, 2024 The service begins at 10:30 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE BULLETIN I am feeble and crushed;     I groan because of the tumult of my heart. -Psalm...

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Sunday Morning Worship Prep February 18, 2024

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Sunday Morning Prep: February 18, 2024 The service begins at 10:30 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE BULLETIN And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place...

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Sunday Morning Worship Prep February 11, 2024

Posted by Rebecca Kirkland on

Sunday Morning Prep: February 11, 2024 The service begins at 10:30 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE BULLETIN   God is our refuge and strength,     a very present help...

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Sunday Morning Worship Prep January 28, 2024

Posted by Rebecca Kirkland on

Sunday Morning Prep: January 28, 2023 The service begins at 10:30 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE BULLETIN   “As for me, I have set my King     on Zion, my holy hill.” I will tell...

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Sunday Morning Worship Prep January 21,2024

Posted by Rebecca Kirkland on

Sunday Morning Prep: January 21, 2023 The service begins at 10:30 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE BULLETIN  I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses...

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Sunday Morning Worship Prep January 7, 2024

Posted by Rebecca Kirkland on

Sunday Morning Prep: January 7, 2023 The service begins at 10:30 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE BULLETIN I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make you into nations, and kings shall come from you. And I...

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Sunday Morning Worship Prep December 24, 2023

Posted by Rebecca Kirkland on

Sunday Morning Prep: December 17, 2023 The service begins at 10:30 AM. The bulletin can be viewed below or printed by opening up the attached PDF.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE BULLETIN  When the oppressor is no more,     and destruction has ceased, and he who...

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